network improvisation: Duo fatale meets Roman Stolyar     videos       more photos     back to projects 

JOPO sax, bass-clarinet (CH)

Ingeborg Poffet acco, voice, perc (CH)

Roman Stolyar piano (Russia)

next concerts with

Duo fatale meets Roman Stolyar & Max Stehle

14.01.2025, 20 h >>> Berlin >>> Exploratorium,
double event with "WhatHappensNext"

15.01.2025, 20 h >>> Berlin >>> Petersburg Art Space

17.01.2025, 20:30 h >>> Berlin >>> Kühlspot


concerts with
Duo fatale meets Roman Stolyar & Iouri Grankin
"The Peacemakers"

@ Palais Wittgenstein, Düsseldorf (D) 20:00 h



Do 16.11.2023 in Basel, Switzerland

fatale nights im Gundeli, fn8s #3/23


17:00 h concert
network improvisation:
Duo fatale meets Roman Stolyar

19:00 h work-shop
masterclass improvisation with Roman Stolyar

@ Musikwerkstatt Basel, Switzerland

entrance with certificate
reservation/registration here


RUSSIA-tour in april 2020

due to Covid-19
the tour will be postboned to 2022

8.04.      concert in Voronezh (Petrovski Book Club)
9.04.      concert in Moscow (DOM Cultural Center)
10.04.    concert in Arkhangelsk
             (Arkhangelsk Jazz Production Center)
12.04.    concert in Saint Petersburg (Gromov Art Gallery)
13.04.    concert in Perm (Triumph Private Philharmonics)
14.04.    concert in Yekaterinburg (Everjazz Club)
15.04.    concert in Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl Jazz Club)

photo 2019 - concert: European Improvised Music Conference EIMC @ Exploratorium Berlin
here with James Aylward (Tasmania) on bassoon and Tomomi Fukagawa (Japan)on perc