- tounreal appearances and resulting self-deception
- video & live-performance
- on current world events and the role of man in them
- installation, talks, book, double-cd, podcasts
- on neurotoxins injected by insect-parasits for manipulation and survival
brains as joysticks/x-boxes of gambling protozoas and parasites - and where is humankind?
- videos & live-performance
- a 4-D-journey through the human body
- DVD & live-performance
– A journey through cityscapes by the painter Heinz Schäublin, they encounter souls and spirits as well as whimsical architectural formations.
- DVD & live-performance
– A journey through cityscapes by the painter Heinz Schäublin, they encounter souls and spirits as well as whimsical architectural formations.
- DVD & live-performance
a Theatre-Music-Project , based upon the novel
"Bericht eines Schiffbrüchigen" (Report of a castaway),
by G.G. Marquez
with Serena Wey, actress;
original composition 1989/2018 for quartet by and with Duo fatale
performance with
music, jogging & chocolate making
@ festival PERFORM NOW! #3 Winterthur
perfide Texte & Musik von & mit Duo fatale & Gäste
perfidious texts & music by & with Duo fatale & guests
a mini-opera in 5 short acts by Ingeborg Poffet
with Duo fatale meets international guests, including
members of the hands-percussion-team
the scenic multi-media performance with dance, Son et Lumière and chainsaws