fata-fata videos
east meets west
ensemble kyai fatahilla (from Bandung, Indonesia, contemporary gamelan)
meets duo fatale (from Basel, Switzerland)
playing compositions from JOPO / Ingeborg Poffet / Iwan Gunawan

The first time they have met at the 2nd int. Cracking bamboo festival 2010 in Vietnam and Indonesia, where they have played together 2 concerts at the sold out opera in Hanoi, one in Bandung and one at the music conservatory in HoChiMin City. In Bandung the ensemble kyai fatahilla and the duo fatale had an extra concert meeting at the Universitas Perdidikan Indonesia, Durusan Perdidikan Musik FPBS.
Immediately they knew, that they had to create an own project together, so they started to exchange ideas, datas, knowledge and music from their groups.
Es begann mit einem Konzert in der ausverkauften Oper von Hanoi in Vietnam am Cracking Bamboo Festival 2010. Seither entwickeln JOPO, Ingeborg Poffet & Iwan Gunawan nebst
zeitgenössischen Gamelan-Kompositionen für ihr gemeinsames Orchester-Projekt
fata-fata konsequent ihre gemeinsamen Improvisationen.
In april 2011 they all met again and created an exciting performance with new compositions by the leaders of the groups. So the gamelan will appear in a contemporary style, playing scores with a conductor as well as in the traditional way.
The main idea for the fata-fata-project ist to combine western instruments with the traditional gamelan on the one hand. On the other hand the new idea is to combine pelog and slendro within the gamelan itself, which is a new idea and not used until now. So it needed to invent an new way of writing for the compositions. The musically research of duo fatale has gained the result of doing this. One of the small revolutions is that one person has to play two instruments at the same time, which needs a new arrangement of the instruments. The next step are new playing technics which are needed in the new compositions, which all of them have to find out, like how to play three notes at the same time with only one stick in one hand and a distance of half a meter?
So the whole project is a huge challenge and experiment of finding new ways of playing wonderful ideas and realizing a sensational experience for the audience, which has been proved at the beautiful first fata-fata-concert at the Selasar Sunaryo in Bandung in april 2011. In march 2012 they have continued their common work in Bandung and enrichened the music with further concepts, free improvisations and more compositions.
JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet from Switzerland are known as the Duo fatale, worldwide playing concerts on international festivals, clubconcerts and for filmmusic-studios. They work with electronic, realize computer-music as well as they are producers and sound-engineers, always inventing new projects and creating new formations, collaborations, compositions, concepts and multi-media-events. They have published many cds & dvds, mostly on XOPF-Records, and sheets- and book-projects on AUGEMUS-Musikverlag & Verlag POFFETmusic.ch. They have worked projects with indian musicians (JAISH, Indian Book), turkish (El JIM V.), chinese/malaysian (SOULS in LOVE), marrocain musicians (Aisha Fatalisha), russian and others (Duo fatale meets international guests).
more informations on:
Kyai Fatahilla on youtube & myspace & kyaifatahillah.webs.com
Biographies JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet
also see some musically meetings (network improvisations) of
- JOPO meets Kyai Fatahilla youtube file
- JOPO meets Elan from Kyai Fatahilla youtube file
- Ingeborg Poffet meets Elan from Kyai Fatahilla youtube-file
- Ingeborg Poffet meets Kyai Fatahilla youtube-file
- fata-fata - kyai fatahillah meets duo fatale on youtube
- duo fatale meets Iwan Gunawan 2010 @ cracking bamboo festival, Opera, Hanoi

"Lalamba" (11'') Iwan Gunawan, 2005 video
for gamelan-orchestra, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2005 in Berlin (D)
"Catch the mouse" JOPO, 2012 audio-demo
for gamelan-orchestra
"waves" JOPO, 2012 waves 2012 video
for gamelan-orchestra
"Hammermusik" Ingeborg Poffet, 2003 Hammermusik 2012 video
for gamelan-orchestra & scenic lights
"Parangtritis" Ingeborg Poffet, 2012 audio-demo
for gamelan-orchestra, acco/piano, 2 vocs, sopranosax
"timelinetritis" Ingeborg Poffet, 2012 audio-demo
for gamelan-orchestra, acco/piano, 2 vocs, sopranosax
"Hot-Spots" Ingeborg Poffet, 2012 audio-demo
for acco/piano, Benong, clarinet, flute
"Soft Skills" Ingeborg Poffet, 2012 audio-demo
for acco/piano, clarinet, flute
"As nature speaks" (9'56'') JOPO, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"Pangandaran Trials" (7'30'') JOPO, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"King without Kingdom" (6'45'') JOPO, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"The beauty Dragon Soul" (7'00'') JOPO, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"Pelog Slendro Unisono" JOPO, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
"Heavy Storm" (7:06'') Ingeborg Poffet, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"Hua Hin" (5'44'') Ingeborg Poffet, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax
world-premiere april 2011 in Bandung, Java with fata-fata
"Pangandaran 1" Ingeborg Poffet, 2011
for gamelan-orchestra, acco, 2 vocs, sax

network improvisation:
duo fatale meets Iwan Gunawan (Indonesia)
free style combinations with JOPO, Ingeborg Poffet & Iwan Gunawan
JOPO saxophone, clarinet, aerophone
Ingeborg Poffet accordion, voice, electronic
Iwan Gunawan perc from Bandung, Indonesia
video-demos 2012: part1 part2 part3
video-demo 2010 @ cracking bamboo festival, Opera Hanoi
videos also from cracking bamboo festival, Opera Hanoi