dates - concerts 2021                                                                                                              DATES & CONCERTS - past

18.12.2020 - 10.01.2021

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet 

are working on development of

musical projects,

scores & videos

in Studio in France

on tv:

since 1.01.2021 EVERY WEEK

on sky-cinema-fun

"Die Känguruh Chroniken"

movie by Dani Lev,

music by Niki Reiser,

accordion by Ingeborg Poffet

NEW DEMO out 1.01.2021:

music-video-Art-project: DELUSION

- eclipsed brainy snapshots 

music & visuals: Duo fatale
pictures: Heinz Schäublin

music-video-Art-project: delusion

- eclipsed brainy snapshots

music & visuals: Duo fatale
pictures: Heinz Schäublin

@ sonic-visions festival 20/21
Kunstmuseum Reutlingen

due to Covid-19 full show
digital from 1.-11.04.2021

on tv:

08.03.2021 20:15 h Kabel 1 classics

09.03.2021 01:20 h Kabel 1 classics

12.04.2021 - 23:50 h Kable1Classics

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!

comedy with Christian Ulmen, D/I 2009

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

26.03. -11.04.2021

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet 

are working on development of

musical projects,

scores & videos

in Studio in France

on tv:

26.04.2021      00:05 h   1Das Erste

Das Blaue vom Himmel, 

Regie: Hans Steinbichler,

with Hannelore Elsner, Juliane Köhler,

production: ahoi Musikverlag, 

music by Niki Reiser
Ingeborg Poffet

on tv:

23.05.2021      05:45 h    1Das Erste

Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn


by Hermine Huntgeburth

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

on tv:

24.05.2021 - 21:55 h Kabel1classic
02.06.2021 - 08:25 h Iris
16.06.2021 - 22:05 h TV24
21.06.2021 - 23.55 h Kabel 1 classics
22.06.2021 - 03:10 h Kabel 1 classics

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!
Indovina chi sposa mia figlia!

comedy with Christian Ulmen, D/I 2009
music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion


musikalische Begleitung der
Zertifikatsfeier des Lehrgangs frühkindliche Kommunikation2021 BFS Basel mit

Duo fatale:
JOPO as &
Ingeborg Poffet accordion, voc

SUNDAY, 20 JUNE 2021
FROM 22:00 UTC+02-00:00 UTC+02
Jazz-Zeit: Indies forever
Radio Unerhört Marburg

Aktuelles von XOPF-Records etc. aus der Schweiz in der Jazz-Zeit auf Radio Unerhört Marburg including pieces from

Roulette-Circles the World-Jazz-Project

by Duo fatale

21.07.2021 17:00 h - 17:30 h

JOPO playing for

Tag der Musik

@ Musikwerkstatt Basel

3.07.2021 - 15.08.2021

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet 

are working on development of

musical projects, scores & videos

in Studio in France

Die Känguruh Chroniken

movie by Dani Levy, music by Niki Reiser,
accordion by Ingeborg Poffet

on tv -  sky-cinema-fun - summer-dates:

16.08.2021 14:30 h
.2021 02:25 h
05.08.2021 06:55 h
29.07.2021 07:40 h
20.07.2021 10:35 h
16.07.2021 14:55 h
16.07.2021 03:10 h

on tv:

12.08.2021  20:15 h RBB
14.08.2021  01:05 h RBB

Alles auf Zucker!

comedy mit Henri Hübchen/ D 2004
(by Dani Levy),
music by Niki Reiser,
Ingeborg Poffet accordion

on tv:

16.08.2021 - 21:55 h Kable 1 Classics
17.08.2021 - 02:35 h Kable 1 Classics

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!

comedy with Christian Ulmen, D/I 2009

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

release 16.08.2021:

students - adults


von Ingeborg Poffet

30 leichte bis mittelschwere Spiel-Stücke
für Akkordeon, Klavier oder Keyboard

42 Seiten, DIN-A4, Spiralbindung


Best.Nr. 2021-001

on tv:

22. 08.2021 • 05:40 h rbb

05.09.2021  11:25 h 3Sat

Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn

adventure by Hermine Huntgeburth

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

new video-demo out:

Indian Book.Trio
"compassion" by Udhai mazumdar

JOPO altosaxophon
Ingeborg Poffet
accordion, voc
Udhai Mazumdar

release 6.09.2021:

students - adults

Modal Hybrids

11 sehr leichte bis leichte modale Hybrid-Stücke MII/MIII aus «RUNNERS»

für Akkordeon oder Klavier

DIN-A4, 21 Seiten, Spiralbindung,


Best.Nr. 2021-002



mit Schülern & Schülerinnen von JOPO

@ Musikwerkstatt Basel,  18:30 h

on tv -  sky-cinema-fun - autumn-dates:

25.08.2021 07:40 h
01.09.2021 13:55 h
07.09.2021 14:45 h
17.09.2021 04:10 h
17.09.2021 07:25 h
27.09.2021 12:10 h
27.09.2021 23:45 h

Die Känguruh Chroniken

movie by Dani Levy, music by Niki Reiser,
accordion by Ingeborg Poffet


JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet with


artists performance

@ Freie Musikschule, Basel, 20:30 h

1.10. - 3.10.2021

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet @

Basel, Switzerland

many improvising musicians, composers, performing artists from different countries  meeting for performing & exchange

4.10. - 17.10.2021

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet 

are working on development of

musical projects, podcasts,

scores & videos

in Studio in France

on tv:

25.10.2021 - 22:10 h Kable 1 Classics
26.10.2021 - 04:50 h Kable 1 Classics

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!

comedy with Christian Ulmen, D/I 2009

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

on tv:

26.10.2021  00:15 h WDR

Alles auf Zucker!

comedy mit Henri Hübchen/ D 2004
(by Dani Levy),
music by Niki Reiser,
Ingeborg Poffet accordion

on tv:

1.11.2021 • 08:25 h One 1
6.11.2021 • 05:55 h One 1

Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn

adventure by Hermine Huntgeburth

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

Die Känguruh Chroniken

movie by Dani Levy,
music by Niki Reiser, accordion by Ingeborg Poffet

on tv -  sky-cinema-fun:

08.10.2021 – 08:40 h
09.10.2021 – 04:15 h
20.10.2021 – 02:00 h
20.10.2021 – 14:45 h
01.11.2021 – 03:40 h
01.11.2021 – 07:35 h
11.11.2021 – 09:30 h
19.11.2021 – 06:10 h
04.12.2021 - 11:25 h


Duo fatale meets Uli Sobotta

JOPO  as, aerophon

Ingeborg Poffet  acco, voc, perc

Uli Sobotta - euphonium/kornett/gitar

@ Bremen, MIB - 20:00 h
( Musikerinitiative Bremen e.V.)(D)
Buntentorsteinweg 112

entrance with certificate

on tv:

11.12.2021 • 12:20 h WDR

Die Abenteuer des Huck Finn

adventure by Hermine Huntgeburth

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion


17:00 h concert
network improvisation:
Duo fatale meets Roman Stolyar

19:00 h work-shop
masterclass improvisation with Roman Stolyar

@ Musikwerkstatt Basel, Switzerland


JOPO as, bcl, aerophone (CH)

Ingeborg Poffet acco, voc, perc (CH)

Roman Stolyar, piano, (Russia)

entrance with certificate
reservation/registration here


16.12.2021 - 09.01.2022

JOPO & Ingeborg Poffet 

are working on development of

musical projects, scores, videos

& podcasts

in Studio in France

on tv:

20.12.2021 - 20:15 h Kable 1 Classics
21.12.2021 - 01:10 h Kable 1 Classics

Maria, ihm schmeckt's nicht!

comedy with Christian Ulmen, D/I 2009

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion

on tv:

25.12.2021 - 17:30 h ZDF

Die Känguruh Chroniken

movie by Dani Levy

music by Niki Reiser, Ingeborg Poffet accordion